Selling Used Servers: 10 Steps to Do it Right


In the rapidly changing world of technology, companies are always updating their infrastructure to meet the demands of their customers. Because of this, a lot of businesses discover that they have an excess of outdated servers that are no longer required. Even though these servers might not be as useful as they once were, they are still valuable and, if sold correctly, can be a great asset. Selling used servers cannot only help businesses recover some of the initial investment but also give these machines a second life. 

server, cloud, development

Step 1: Evaluate the condition of the server

Check for any physical damages

Examine the server for any obvious physical damage, such as cracks, dents, or missing pieces. Verify that each and every part is functional and intact.

Assess the performance and functionality

Test the server to ensure it is functioning properly. Verify that the power supply, drives, and ports are all operating properly. Run diagnostic tests to evaluate the performance and stability of the server.

Determine the age and specifications of the server

Find out the age and specifications of the server. Name the model, along with the processor, memory, storage capacity, and any other pertinent information. This information will help potential buyers understand the server’s capabilities and make informed decisions.

Step 2: Clean and repair the server

Dusting and cleaning the exterior

Use compressed air or a soft brush to remove dust and debris from the server’s exterior. Wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth. Ensure that all vents and fans are clear of obstructions. 

Replacing faulty components

Use troubleshooting or diagnostic tests to find any malfunctioning parts. Replace any malfunctioning parts such as hard drives, power supplies, or cooling fans. Verify that the replacements are compatible with the server’s specifications.

Updating software and firmware

Check for any available updates for the server’s operating system, drivers, and firmware. Install the latest updates to ensure optimal performance and security. This step also includes removing any unnecessary software or data from the server. 

Step 3: Backup and wipe data from the server

Importance of data security

Data security is essential when you sell used servers. This way, you will protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access. 

Create a backup of important files

Before you wipe the data from the server, create a backup of any important files or data. This backup should include critical documents, configurations, and any other necessary information that may be required in the future.

Use data wiping tools to erase all data from the server

To ensure that all data is completely removed from the server, use specialized data wiping tools. These tools overwrite the data multiple times and make it virtually impossible to recover any information. 

Step 4: Determine the market value of the server

Research current market prices

Do a thorough analysis of current market prices to ascertain the server’s market value. This involves exploring online platforms, forums, and marketplaces to gather information on similar servers being sold. If you analyze these prices, you will get an idea of the fair market value for your server.

Consider the age and specifications of the server

The age and specifications of the server play a significant role in determining its market value. In general, the market value of newer servers with better specs and cutting-edge features is higher than that of older models. Furthermore, servers with special features or configurations could fetch a premium price.

Compare prices from different platforms or sellers

Compare prices from various platforms or sellers to get a better understanding of the market value of your server. Different platforms have different pricing trends, and sellers usually offer varying prices based on their own circumstances. If you compare prices, you will ensure that you are setting a competitive price for your used server.

Step 5: Choose the right platform to sell the server

Online marketplaces

Online marketplaces, such as eBay or Amazon, provide a wide reach and potential customer base for selling your used server. These platforms allow you to create listings with detailed descriptions and images. They  also make it easier for potential buyers to find and purchase your server.

ITAD companies

Selling your old servers to an ITAD company helps you recover value from your old IT equipment which can be used to invest in new technology. Secondly, ITAD companies ensure secure data erasure and disposal of your servers according to environmental regulations, thus minimizing the risk of data breaches and harmful waste disposal. Thirdly, it can save you time and effort as ITAD companies handle pick-up and asset management. Lastly, selling your used servers to an ITAD company promotes a circular economy by extending the life of technology and reducing the consumption of new resources.

Auction websites

If you are willing to accept bids from potential buyers or if you want to sell your server quickly, auction websites like Biddergy or may be a good choice. Auctions instill a sense of competition and urgency. This way, you will be able to sell your server at a higher price. 

Local classifieds or forums

If you would rather sell your server locally, or within a particular community, local classifieds or forums, like Craigslist or tech-specific forums, can be helpful. These platforms allow you to connect with potential buyers in your area, facilitate  face-to-face transactions and eliminate shipping costs.

Step 6: Create an enticing listing for the server

Highlight key features and specifications

In this step, you need to emphasize the unique selling points of your used server. This could include any noteworthy features that set it apart from other servers on the market, such as its operating system, memory, storage capacity, and processing power.

Include clear and high-quality photos

When selling online, images are everything. So, take clear and well-lit photos of your server from different angles. Highlight any physical condition issues. 

Provide accurate and detailed descriptions

Provide all the information required about your server’s age, condition, usage history, and any upgrades or modifications in a detailed description. Include information about its compatibility with specific software or operating systems, as well as any additional peripherals or accessories that come with it. Honesty and transparency are key to building trust with potential buyers.

Step 7: Set a competitive price for the server

Consider the market value and demand

Research the current market value of similar used servers. This way, you get an idea of what price range you should aim for. Take into account factors such as the server’s age, condition, and specifications. Additionally, consider the demand for servers in your area or industry. This way, you can gauge how quickly you may be able to sell it.

Factor in any additional accessories or warranties

If your server comes with any extra accessories or warranties, take these into account when setting the price. These can add value to the overall package and make it more appealing to potential buyers.

Leave room for negotiation

Usually buyers negotiate the price when purchasing used items. Make your starting price a little bit higher than the price you want to sell it for to account for this. This way, you have room to negotiate and still reach a satisfactory agreement with the buyer. But don’t overdo it with a price increase, because it can alienate a potential buyer. 

Step 8: Promote the server listing

Share the listing on social media platforms

Share your server listing on well-known social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Create a compelling post with clear details about the server’s specifications, condition, and price. Encourage your friends, followers, and connections to share the post. This way, you will reach a wider audience.

Utilize online communities or forums relevant to servers

Look for online communities or forums that focus on servers, IT equipment, or technology sales. Join these communities and forums to engage with potential buyers and share your server listing. 

Leverage personal and professional networks

Make contact with people in your personal and professional networks, such as friends, coworkers, or acquaintances who might know someone who is looking to buy a used server or who is in the market for one. Send them a personalized message explaining that you are selling a server and ask if they would be interested or if they know anyone who might be. One effective method for locating possible customers is word of mouth marketing.

Step 9: Communicate effectively with potential buyers

Respond promptly to inquiries and questions

When potential buyers reach out with inquiries or questions about the used server you are selling, make it a priority to respond in a timely manner. Promptly addressing their queries shows that you are attentive and interested in providing them with the information they need to make a decision.

Provide additional information or clarifications when needed

Take the initiative to give prospective customers any further details or explanations they might need. This could include details about the server’s specifications, warranty status, previous usage, or any other relevant information that can help them make an informed decision. 

Be professional and courteous in all interactions

Maintain a professional and courteous demeanor throughout all your interactions with potential buyers. Treat them with respect and empathy, even if they have reservations or concerns. Clear communication, politeness, and professionalism can go a long way in establishing a positive impression. 

Step 10: Safely package and ship the server, if required

Use appropriate packaging materials

Use sturdy and secure packaging materials to protect the server during transit. This could include bubble wrap, foam padding, or air pillows to cushion the server and prevent any damage.

Insure the shipment for added protection

Consider insuring the shipment and provide an extra layer of protection against loss or damage during transit. This not only gives the buyer peace of mind but also demonstrates your commitment to ensuring a smooth and secure transaction.

Provide tracking information to the buyer

Provide the buyer with the tracking information as soon as the server is packaged and shipped. Thanks to this, they will be able to monitor the progress of the shipment and anticipate its arrival. 


Selling used servers requires careful attention to detail to ensure a smooth and secure transaction. 

Sellers can improve their chances of a successful sale by following the guidelines in this article.

Furthermore, if you offer tracking information and shipping insurance, the customer will be satisfied. This way, you foster a relationship of trust with the buyer.