A Brief Guide to Software Development Disputes 


The digital world is growing at a fast pace. Businesses are becoming reliant on technologies and software for professional management and crafting solutions for almost all of their barriers. Every company is indulged in upgrading their systems to ensure that they are meeting their client’s needs and are fulfilling the digital narratives too. 

But with the massive utilization of software, in almost all fields of business, software disputes come along handy. These disputes usually happen between the software developer and the customer. These disputes can be due to software quality issues, performance dilemmas or property rights issues, etc. 

Causes of Software Disputes 

There are different causes of software disputes and having knowledge about them can help you prevent them in the first place. Here are some of the most common causes that one must know about:

  • Poor service or project management 
  • Changes in scope creep where the written contract fails to meet the issue properly. 
  • Poor testing of the software to ensure that it is clear of bugs. 
  • Lack of high-quality testing resources and premium development. 
  • The inability to finalize the scope of the project. 
  • Customers are finding it extremely difficult to work the software and the communication is very poor. 
  • Customers change their minds and refuse to utilize your software. 
  • Customers refuse to pay. 
  • Unrealistic expectations of the customer from the software. 
  • Improper project planning and management. 

All of these causes lead to software disputes and can be hard to manage as well. Many times, both parties have to hire an attorney to resolve the issue too. 

General Software Development Disputes:

Software development issues can range from scope issues to negotiations and from drafting to contract breach and ligation. These issues usually arise during the development phase, boosting a software dispute. An attorney is required to represent your case in this type of software dispute. 

Software Quality and Performance Issues:

Many times, clients might face extensive issues with the software’s performance and quality. All the promises made by the software development team are not fulfilled. It might have too many bugs and issues. The client might decide to discuss the issue with the developer or refuse to pay or simply go-ahead to file a case against the software company. 

Software Warranty Issues 

A software dispute lawyer can help you, in dealing with warranty issues as well. This issue does not arise too often. It happens when one party refuses to take the warranty into consideration, according to the agreement. An attorney can help you resolve this issue perfectly. 


Software disputes are not too common but they are rising with the passage of time as software utilization is also growing significantly. Thus, understanding why these disputes occur and when they can take place, can help you in preventing them in the first place.