3 Pipeline Failure Prevention Measures


Utility pipelines are an important part of the United States’ infrastructure. They carry gas and oil to heat and power homes and businesses all over the country. While they are a vital part of enabling people to live their everyday lives comfortably and conveniently, they can also be dangerous if not properly maintained. Pipeline maintenance is a team effort; therefore, you need to schedule a free on-site consultation with utility contractors near you.

3 Pipeline Failure Prevention Measures

1. Anti-Corrosion Applications

Pipelines that are not properly coated to protect against corrosion can be a big issue for the companies that maintain them and the people who work and live nearby. If the barrier that is applied to the pipeline becomes damaged and allows moisture to contact the metal, then the pipeline and any accessories attached to it can begin to rust. This can cause leaks or failures in the system. Rusted sections can be replaced with newer pipes made from steel or plastic that are more resistant to corrosion. This is why it’s crucial to measure the temperature of these pipes using thermometers with thermowells (learn more about thermowells here) to prevent this kind of damage.

2. Maintenance Schedule

A regular inspection that is performed by trained professionals can make a big difference in the lifespan of the pipeline. When issues are caught early and repaired in a timely manner, the integrity of the structure is preserved for much longer. Catching things before they become major problems will also save time and money in the long run. If problems are detected and the reason for them is uncertain, techniques like destructive testing or other metallurgic tests can detect the reason and prevent problems from spreading. All fixes should ideally be performed by experts who are specifically trained to handle pipeline utility repairs. This can help keep repairs from failing over time.

3. Careful Excavation Methods

Construction projects are ongoing across the country and sometimes they must be performed near utility pipelines. Any excavation or construction work should be done carefully and using the proper equipment to prevent accidents from occurring. Any company that undertakes a project near a utility pipeline should ensure that all the proper techniques are utilized during the job and that the workers are properly trained to handle an emergency should the line be ruptured.

It is not always possible to prevent every single thing that could go wrong. Accidents happen to everyone, regardless of how careful they are. The important thing is that all measures are taken at all times to keep things from happening due to carelessness or neglect. By sticking to a maintenance schedule and having things fixed by trained professionals as they are found, many problems can be avoided.