All you need to know about RRB JE Exam



Railway Exams are among  the most popular exams in India. People at least apply once to get into the railway. The Railway Recruitment Board is the recruiting cell of railways. The board recruits the candidates for various positions and from them Junior Engineer position is the most admired position engineers prefer.

The examination as usual is tough but one can definitely crack if studied well. This exam is conducted in three stages: – Computer Based Test 1, Computer Based Test 2 and Document Verification and Medical Test. As the exam is completely based on computers one must know how to handle computers. Computer Based Test is a new advancement in the Education sector wherein it becomes easy for candidates to appear for exams avoiding human errors while marking or filling up the details. But there are several other factors that must be taken into consideration when you plan to apply for the RRB JE Exam. 

All you need to know about RRB JE Exam 

Understand Computer

As you know the RRB JE exam in computer-based test, it becomes mandatory to understand the computer and its usage. In order to attempt the RRB JE Exam you must have at least the basic understanding of computers. You must know how to browse on a particular platform and login your account filling all the details without making mistakes. You must know the functions of keyboard and mouse. As there will be mathematical problems you must be familiar with the system to use the online calculator. If you are the one who doesn’t have much knowledge about using a computer then learn at least the basics of it. 

Attempt Online Mock Tests

In order to get familiar and used to the examination process and screen you must attempt online mock tests. These online mock tests will ensure that you do not waste your time during your actual examination in understanding the screen and process. Attempt as many online mock tests as you can. You will face few challenges in your first mock attempt but it will be easy in your second and third attempt. This exam demands practice and practice demands dedication and focus. This will make you efficient and accurate in technical as well as in theoretical aspects of practicing question paper. 

Technical Challenges

The challenges that you may face during your examination is power failure. Now, if you are attempting your exam from the center you must ensure that the center has a power backup facility with a good internet speed. Obviously, they will have it but it’s a technical problem that you should be aware of. You may face such issues during your exams but be rest assured, your center would take necessary actions in order to resolve your issues. 

Keep an eye on running time

Whenever you attempt for any exam be it Pen Paper Test or Computer Based Test, time remains the utmost important aspect during exam. Don’t attempt the questions that you don’t know about as choosing a wrong answer may lead you to negative marking. In such cases, answer these questions while reviewing your test before submitting it. This will ensure that you do not waste your time on a particular question and finish the exam within the stipulated time period. So, “Keep Calm and Attempt Exam” is the only mantra you need to follow. 

Review your questions

Since childhood, we are always advised to review the answer sheet before submitting it to the Invigilator and the same goes with the RRB JE Exam. Reviewing all the questions are important because if you fail to review, you might end up missing the questions or miss a chance to correct your wrong answer that you chose in a hurry. So, to avoid any mistake, you must review the test at the end before submitting. 

Well, when one aims to achieve something there are reasons to chase and work hard behind any particular thing. You must check the roles and responsibilities and RRB JE Salary before applying for it. If you work and take care of these aspects you will be successfully able to crack exams. The above listed points will help you finish your test in time with no worries. Remember, Exams are not meant to scare but to make a habit of facing challenges. Be it school career opportunities or life everything revolves around a test and we have to get through it successfully.