Four UX Tested Product Feedback Tools Available on Desktop, Mobile, or Tablet


User Experience (UX) designers and their project team counterparts have a trial to face because, unfortunately, all the effort put into coding and developing a website is the simple part. Once the modified website is live in production, it is then the responsibility of the customer to inform the product owner what they hate about it. Before the benefit of this hindsight, the internal team aims to make design decisions that anticipate the customer’s expectations during the planning stages. This means spending copious amounts of time performing user research to optimize the journey for the end-user. In today’s digital universe, thankfully, there is never a resource too far from grasp to tackle one’s problems. Here are four helpful product feedback tools to resolve the potential issues in your customer’s service experience:

Four UX Tested Product Feedback Tools Available on Desktop, Mobile, or Tablet

Entrance Optimization

Typically, the entry point and first coded page for digital product designers is the homepage. Analysis from adds more context to significant impressions of these product landing pages: successful web conversions occur more frequently when a consumer lands on any page except the homepage. Landing page conversions happened at half the rate of non-homepage arrivals. Leveraging web software like Five Second Tests aids managers in identifying the immediate problems on the page through user testing an array of User Interface (UI) options. The software gives the surveyed a five-second glimpse of the landing page and then follows up to inquire what the individual remembered. From there, the product team identifies the key components that stood out during the end-user’s initial entry into their app and compiles an ideal solution.

Heat Maps

Hotjar is a cool name for a heat tool. Conveniently, this software can integrate smoothly with your website, increasing management’s comprehension of the hot spots across their site. The feedback machine will register where customers are clicking, where they scroll, and which calls-to-action motivate users. Visually, the tracking device displays the heat signatures from these interactions. It will then map the pages with warm tones where actions are high but cool tones in areas that customers bypassed. Moreover, if the study includes determining alternative paths like A/B testing, UX experts can make meaningful conclusions about which tested experience your customers preferred.

Feedback Storage

Let’s face it: the amount of data from user feedback can be gargantuan. Aurelius is one of the best user research tools because it uses keyword analysis (think Amazon) to break down the most commonly referenced objects recorded from the user’s encounter. If, for instance, the product has a shipping feature, ocular scans may show essential terms like “postage prices” or “labels misprint”. Electronically, these word associations enable the product’s stakeholders to categorize the reported misgivings into manageable pieces. So now, instead of facing a mountain of customer input, the layout illustrates, specifically, the connecting points that user testimony identifies. Ultimately, the itemization of the product’s pain points along with the ability to convert any uploaded document into text makes the Aurelius engine a top candidate for managers to store and present UX research analysis.

Product feedback tools are not exactly a dime-a-dozen, but several notable ones are standing the test of users’ time. To increase the management team’s confidence in their end product, investing in user research software is a must.