Smart Marketing for the Future of the Internet


Artificial intelligence, from novels by Asimov to movies like Bladerunner, has been a theme in science fiction for years. Those writers would probably be very surprised at the way artificial intelligence actually looks and how it used in our modern world. Here’s how AI and other new marketing trends can benefit your business.

Smart Marketing for the Future of the Internet

Artificial Intelligence

AI, unfortunately, doesn’t look as cool as robots that can’t be differentiated from humans. Instead, it is programming that can be invaluable in marketing. Chatbots are the latest way to personalize your customer experience. Even if it’s midnight where you are, having an AI chatbot allows a customer to ask questions and receive natural language answers to most inquiries in real-time.

Besides offering a personal experience, AI can be used to search, gather and analyze data about your customers. This data will give you clear information about how your customers find you and the best way to find them.

Natural Intelligence

While there are loads of small business solution apps out there, even navigating that market can be overwhelming. If you aren’t sure where to begin your search for marketing solutions, consider following, and even hiring, marketing and business solution experts like Eyal Gutentag. Look for help from professionals to build a successful marketing strategy even when you have no background in marketing yourself. Whether you are looking for a personal consultant or just want to read some blogs and watch a few YouTube videos, relying on those who follow and predict trends can keep your small business cutting edge.

Personal Touch

Getting personal in your marketing doesn’t just mean sending batch emails using a customer’s first name. In fact, everyone is doing that, making it less effective. Instead, all that data mined by AI can be used by your business to personalize your marketing to each customer. In a world with a million-and-one options, customers can experience analysis paralysis, becoming unable or unwilling to choose a solution for themselves because they are overwhelmed with choices. Use your information about a customer to select the one thing that is right for them. If you can’t provide a single option, consider how you can limit options in a similar manner to how Netflix makes recommendations based on what you have previously watched.


Finally, consider the value of creating videos for marketing. YouTube is a great platform for marketing because not only can you place ads in videos made by others, you can make your own. Make videos to give viewers ideas about how to use your products, linking the products in the description box. Those same videos can then be embedded in your business website, or use the audio as a new podcast. Consider doing a Q and A session in a live video. You can also pay other creators to make videos about your products or services.

There are so many platforms and ways of marketing your company that will make it easier and help you find your perfect customer. Find the opportunities that will give you the most impact for your marketing buck.